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Drugs: The drug war vs. the war on terror
Posted by kallahar on Dec.14.01 at 08:37 am PST.

kallahar writes The Chicago Tribune is running a story. About the shifting policies of the drug war. "State and municipal police also have turned their attention toward homeland security and away from drugs. If prosecutors have to spend more of their time going after terrorists, they will have to spend less time on something else. It's not murders and bank robberies that are going to be abandoned -- it's drug cases. Why? For the simple reason, which we could ignore before, that they have little effect on public safety." The article flip-flops though, in the beginning he says that the FBI still wastes time going after the LA Canabis Club, but in the end he says they're changing their policies... Maybe it's just that change is slow...

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Aug.20.01 by kallahar

"Great men do not seek power, they have power thrust upon them" - Kahless, first emperor of the Klingon Empire