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Drugs: America Fights Alone
Posted by kallahar on Dec.27.01 at 08:18 am PST.

kallahar writes MotherJones.com has an excellent article about how the world is changing its views about the drug war, but the US Federal Government doesn't seem to care.

"Over the past five years, Americans have voted in favor of nearly every significant state initiative to reform drug policies, from legalizing medical marijuana in Arizona, to banning the seizure of assets of accused but unconvicted drug dealers in Oregon, to last year's Proposition 36 in California which mandates treatment instead of incarceration for drug users. In most cases, that public support came despite strong opposition from the federal government."

"Nevertheless, to its champions, Prohibition was seen as indistinguishable from society's "message" that excessive drink was a bad and a dangerous thing. How could we stand firm against the sins of drunkenness, spousal and child abuse, violence and wasted promise, if our laws permitted the legal sale of such deadly stuff? What we needed, according to Prohibitionists, was to re-double our efforts. Those who sought to overturn Prohibition, the hardliners argued, were giving up on our nation, on our quest for an alcohol-free society, on our children."

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Aug.20.01 by kallahar

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